Friday, December 2, 2011

Best way to get out of a weightlifting plateau?

I have been lifting weights for a couple years now. Lately, I seem to have hit a point where I am not getting results from lifting. What is the best way to get out of a weightlifting plateau? Is it better to keep doing the same exercises and increase the amount of weight being lifted or is it better to change the exercises? Recently, I have been trying to increase the amount of weight I am lifting because I only have dumbbells and barbells, so some muscle groups are limited to a few different exercises? Is increasing the weight enough? Thanks.|||No no no. Doing the same exercise over and over is the reason why you're plateauing in the first place!!!

You need to mix up your routine. Muscle confusion is great for growth and will keep things at the gym fresh. I'm all for free weights but will hit up machines on Weds just to mix things up.

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