Friday, December 2, 2011

Who is stronger todays weightlifting men who lift and eat more or the cavemen that hunted?

Humans are naturally not the biggest or the most muscular and neither are chimps yet we are much weaker in comparison to chimps. We now have technology and nutrition to make our muscles big like bodybuilder but cavemen did not.Where they stronger or the same strength or weaker than us?|||That depends upon the cavemen you are talking about. The average neanderthal woman was much stronger than today's weight lifters, but sapiens of the era were slimer with stringy muscles built more for running and long distance traveling than weight lifting. These heavy muscles would have required a lot of energy to support %26amp; therefore starvation was likely a constant danger.

Click on this link to get a good analysis of neanderthal strength:鈥?/a>|||probably the cavemen because they had natural exersize and probably ate healthier since we put all these chemichals in our food now

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