Friday, December 2, 2011

I'f I'm 20lbs overweight, and I start weightlifting, will i get heavier?

I'm 15 years old (almost 16). I'm 6 feet tall and 203lbs (20 lbs overweight according to BMI). I want to start weightlifting, but I don't know if by doing that, I will gain more weight. Does anybody know if I will get heaver by lifting, because I want to lose around 20lbs.

Oh yeah, and will weightlifting stunt my growth? |||Weight lifting will not stunt your growth. It will help you lose fat and build muscle. It will increase your metabolism, so that you will be able to eat more and not gain weight. It will increase your fitness and improve your appearance and posture overall. Combined with a sensible eating plan and aerobic exercise, you will lose weight, and get stronger and healthier.|||You will get heavier since you're going to put on muscle mass but at the same time you'll be burning calories too so what will probably happen is you'll lose 1-2 pounds but gain more pounds from muscles. Don't be alarmed because you're gaining muscles, which will also help you burn fat more effectively.

It won't stunt your growth so long as you eat well and get a lot of sleep.|||Well you may gain some muscle weight, but I bet you'll also lose some of your fat, so I doubt you would gain much.

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