Saturday, November 19, 2011

How much weightlifting should beginners do?

i started working out about a week ago and following my friends workout program. 3 days a week about 3 hours of weightlifting 10-15 exercises. what is a good amount of weightlifting for beginners?|||Your friend's workout program sounds like too much volume, most of which won't do you much good anyway. One of the best programs for beginners (and for experienced lifters too, by the way, who are looking to improve their basic lifts) is called "Starting Strength" by Mark Rippetoe. It is a basic progression of 3 days a week incorporating the key lifts:

- Squats

- Deadlifts

- Shoulder press (or bench press)

- Power cleans

- Chin ups

I would suggest buying the book (~$30 on Amazon, but you should be able to find a used copy somewhere like eBay) and reading it thoroughly to understand the proper form. You can also check out the Starting Strength Wiki pages:鈥?/a>|||3 hours?

Word of advice, do actual research and then base your work out program from their, don't do what your friend tells you to do. Working out for three hours isn't a good idea. To be honest a good 30-60 minutes is all you need, the rest is pointless over kill.

First, make sure you are on a good weight lifting diet. Cut out most sugars, and focus on eating good carbs and leave out the bad. All of your meat and dairy products should be at least low fat. And make sure you are getting at least 100 grams of lean protien a day.

Second, make sure you aren't over working your muscles when you work out. It's alright to be sore once in a while, but not all the time. If you are sore too often you are only damaging your muscles, not building them.

Remember that rest days are good, so don't work out more than 6 days a week

Make sure you are doig at least 10 reps per set, none of that do 3 or 4 at a super heavy weight, you will only hurt yourself and gain no progress. And again you ony need around 30-60 minutes to do what you need to.

When I worked out I split up my days. Upper body one day, lower the next. I didn't do my whole body one day so I had some added rest time between work outs to make sure my muscles were building.


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