Thursday, November 24, 2011

Will you accelerate results if you do 45 min of weightlifting 6 days a week?

I heard you're supposed to do weightlifting every other day, but I would like to go faster.|||This is definitely a complicated topic and greatly depends on what you're looking for your physique.

Basically, your goal with weight training is to put excessive strain on a given muscle producing muscle tearing and triggering muscle growth.

Although it can seem tempting to think that if you train more, you will be able to improve muscles quicker. However think about the following scenario: Ted lifts in the morning and causes a large of muscle tearing (which is what he wants). Then he returns at noon and does the same, and again at night. Do you think that he'll get bigger? Absolutely not, because he isn't giving enough time for his torn muscle to rebuild and eventually he'll be lifting with muscles that are so torn they won't be able to do anything.

So the next question is: how long should Ted have waited before going back to tear down his biceps down to trigger growth again? The answer is quite complicated with many variables, but a simple rule of thumb is: the larger the muscle the longer the wait before the muscle repairs itself.

Muscle repair has a half-life attached to it. For example, say it takes Ted six hours (this again is highly variable, but a good average) to rebuild 50% of the remaining damaged muscle. Thus after twelve hours Ted will have rebuilt 75%, then 87.5% after eighteen hours, etc. To get the most "muscle growth" triggered, you would want the most rebuilt muscle correct? So to get 99% of the original muscle tear rebuilt it would take 7 half-lives (or with Ted's biceps 7 x 6 hours = 42 hours). So Ted's best bet is to wait a day before going back at it.

What about larger muscle groups? Well the biggest (quads, hamstrings) typically have half-life rebuilding of one day! So seven half-lives of quads to produce the same muscle you had prior to lifting would mean one full week before getting back at it.

So my suggestion is that if you want to work out 6 days a week AND bulk up, than work on only one muscle group per week using low reps and high weights (with the exception of biceps, triceps and calves, which probably can be worked out twice per week.

If you are looking to tone, then it isn't as important that 99% of the muscle has been regained, probably 2-4 half-lives will suffice, allowing you to work larger muscle groups twice a week with higher reps and lower weights.

I personally go back and forth between bulking and toning on four week cycles, with two weeks as a kind of hybrid between the two to transition into the new routine.

Sorry for writing a book, but it is a consistantly misinterpreted thought about lifting.

|||No, The fastest way to see results is to follow a safe and prooven work out pattern.

For a quick summary read this:;鈥?/a>

Point is; don't push too hard. You'll do more damadge than good.|||No, you will put yourself in a bad situation. Muscles, when worked out, result in micro-tears. The result of your body fixing the tears is when you gain muscle mass and strength. Constantly weight lifting will cause these tears to get bigger, which is quite unhealthy for you, and will cause problems. The day day in between is for the muscles to repair themselves. 45 min? Yes. Every day? No.|||Depends on what your doing.. If your doing push pull routines.. it would be better.. If your just starting out, 3 days a week for an hr. is better. eat good quality protein, and get plenty of rest on your rest days.. I work out like this: Mon. Chest, Shoulders, Triceps, Tues. Legs, Wed. Back and Biceps. Thurs off. Friday Chest Shoulders Triceps, Sat. Off Sunday Legs.. but I don't do more than an hr. but I don't play around. Get good results this way and I do about 20-30 minutes of cardio on the elliptical on the days I workout. |||you can overdo it very easily and damage muscles and tendons. that's why you work different muscle groups on different days to keep from ripping them|||never do the same muscle group for 2 days in a row. when u work out it tares muscle fibers and they have to regrow. when they grow back they grow larger than when they were. use whey protein after every work out u can just put it in some milk or something. and make a workout plan. in football we do arms then legs then core

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