Saturday, November 19, 2011

Is it good to be doing cardio and weightlifting together?

I want to be strong so I lift weights. I'm only 13 so I only lift 30-60 pounds.(Depends on how I'm feeling) But I also want to lose weight so I do cardio. Should I do cardio and weightlifting on the same day or should I be focusing on one area?Also, which one should I do more of?|||I am a firm believer in doing them both on the same day as long as you don't overdo either one. Here is why:

For cardio to be effective and burn fat, one needs to hit a target heart rate and keep it there. You also need to burn off dietary carbohydrates to start burning fat. When you lift weights first, you achieve both of those things. You are now primed for your cardio. I also beleive most people do not allow themselves enough rest and overtax their CNS (nervous system). By performing 40 minutes of weight lifting followed by 20-30 minutes of HIIT cardio you are getting the best of all worlds. Do this three times per week (upper body twice, legs once)

One thing that is very important in this type of program is post workout nutrition. Your muscles will depleted of glycogen (fuel/energy) and will need sugar to be replaced. Your muscle will feed on itself if you do not replace this. Eat a couple pieces of fruit immediately following a workout and then eat a higher calorie meal 30 minutes later with a blen of fats, prtein and carbs.|||u can do cardio everyday ,walking 4 miles in one hour would do it,weights is another stoty,lift 2 days take 1 day off,then 2 days on 1day off using light weight more reps,cut out the sweets and dont drink cokes or simple carbs|||It's generally best to do the weight lifting before the cardio, as the weight lifting will require more energy anyway. |||WELL WHATS YOUR WEIGHT. YEAH IS PERFECTLY FINE BUT MAKE SURE THAT YOU WEIGHT LIFT FIRST AND THEN DO CARDIO OR YOU CAN DIVIDE THEM.

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