Thursday, November 24, 2011

What kind of weightlifting on the bench press and otherkinds of stuff will not affect growth?

hello i weightlift a lot and i love building muscle....theres one problem i havnt grown fully yet....i am going through puberty and i dont want to ruin growth by weightlifting...but if i stop weightlifting my muscles willbe shorter and and will lose my max bench press and all that kind of stuff....I was wondering what kind of benching do i do.....i know that maxing out can hurt your growth seriously so i dont do thata lot...maybe only 1 time every 2 mounths......So is there something i could do to not affect growth and still is my greatest hobbie. Maybe i could do 3 sets of eight and keep working my way up(raising the weight) and how many times a week do you think i should do this...thank you for all the help!|||Growth is primarily a genetic + nutritional issue. Lifting, sans steroids, is not going to change your genetic predisposition. It can alter your appearance, but not change your ultimate height and overall physical type (meso, endo, ectomorph).

Weight training is something that you can do for your entire life. Don't become overly concerned with your maximum bench amount - this you can work on once you are 17 or older (suggested). We (men) are typically overly concerned with being strong - remember, there is always someone stronger. Work on a balanced body rather than just your chest.

Also, muscles have a 'memory'. I didn't life for over 20 years and within a year, I was back to my old max.

Remember diet. Some additional protein is good - too much is bad (kidney/liver).

Good luck.|||The only type of weightlifting you should avoid at your age is lifting that involves compression of the spine...heavy deadlifts, heavy squats, Olympic style overhead lifting.

Exercising with weights, such as bench pressing, does not compress the spine and will not interfere with your height.

That is largely a myth anyway.|||Take my advice. Dont heavy squat or deadlift. Youll end up shorter than u should be (like me) and wit major back pain. Not as much risk wit benching. Your arms handle compression a lot better than your spine

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